2016年1月18日 星期一

Mine-imator 程式碼

David (開發人員) 發布了 Mine-imator 程式碼

David :
You can now download the Mine-imator 1.0.5 source code from here:http://www.stuffbydavid.com/dl/mineimator-source. Please read Terms of Use.txt before doing anything.

The project file requires GameMaker: Studio Standard to open and compile, and may be exported into the Windows or Windows (YYC) targets. It contains 60,120 lines of GML/GLSL spread across 1,511 scripts and 23 shaders. This archive does not include the world importer (C#) or DLL files (C++). In hindsight, this represents 4 years of rewriting and adding code, from the days of the first Mine-imator prototypes to the final versions of today. Handle with care!

Note: In order to run the program without errors, copy the contents of VShaderCommon.shader and HLSL9_VShaderCommon.shader and paste it at the end of the files in C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\Shaders respectively. Do not overwrite the files! You will not be able to run any other GameMaker: Studio games containing shaders while this is active, however! Detailed instructions here.

I don't expect many of you to be able to make sense of this, much less be able to implement anything advanced. Nonetheless, I encourage anyone interested to mess around with my code and try to add crazy features.  Don't be afraid to ask questions about the overall structure or specific scripts. Exploring and changing other people's code is a great way to learn programming, have fun!

你可以在這裡下載Mine-imator 1.0.5 程式碼:
請先閱讀 Terms of Use.txt (記事本)

項目檔案需要 GameMaker: Studio Standard 要打開和編譯可以匯出到Windows或Windows  (YYC)  指標。 包含 60120線路 GML/GLSL 分布在1511 指令碼和23著色器。
這個檔案不包括世界進口商(C #)或DLL檔案(C++)。
事後,這代表了4年的重寫和添加程式碼,從第一天 Mine-imator 版本到最後。小心處理!

附註:為了運行程式沒有錯誤,複製內容VShaderCommon.shader 和HLSL9_VShaderCommon.shader並黏貼在檔案的末端C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\Shaders  不要複製檔案!
你將無法運行任何GameMaker: Studio包含著色器,這是明確的,



2016年1月13日 星期三

Mine-imator 更新至 1.0.5v 2016/1/11

Version 1.0.5, 2016.01.11, changes:
  • Yet more crashes fixed!
  • You can now right click on the position/rotation wheels in the 3D view to reset to 0, shift+right click to reset XYZ
  • Added a fog button in timelines, found under Graphics
  • Added an option to make the sunlight shadows follow the camera (to increase range), found in Background
  • Added walk/run animations for all the mobs
  • Fog will not show when lights are disabled
  • Fixed a bug with the villager's and witch's body
  • Other minor bug fixes
  • 然而,更多的崩溃固定
  • 你現在可以右鍵單擊在3D視圖的位置/旋轉車輪重置為0,Shift +右鍵點擊重置XYZ
  • 新增了一個時間表霧按鈕,圖形下找到
  • 新增了一個選項,使陽光的陰影跟隨相機(增加範圍),在背景中
  • 新增步行/運行所有怪物的動畫
  • 當燈被禁用時,霧將不顯示
  • 修正了一個錯誤,村民和女巫的身體
  • 其他小錯誤修正



